Monday, January 31, 2005

dark purple=black??

Have my hair cut and dyed today. That salon was full of ppl, every hair stylist was so busy in doing his jobs....dye hair, cut hair, even wash hair and find chair for his customer..... it's just like entering a tea house restaurant as there were many customers waiting near the chairs of cashier and hair stylists were busying in finding's so funny!!!

My hair stylist, Ruby is so nice ar~~explain everything so detail la.... I dyed dark purple this time.....but it just like black actually.... she said the colour will be lighter and obvious afterwards, hope what she said is true la....coz i really love vi-vi-vio-le-le-let.....hehehe xp, by the way, black is not that bad as my hair was not black in colour for a long long time lu~ it's quite refreshing

Sunday, January 30, 2005

touching song!!

"When will you be home?" she asks
as we watch the planes take off
We both know we have no clear answer to where my dreams may lead
She's watched me as i crawled and stumbled
As a child, she was my world
And now to let me go,
I know she bleeds
and yet she says to me

You can fly so high
Keep your gaze upon the sky
I'll be prayin every step along the way
Even though it breaks my heart to know we'll be so far apart
I love you too much to make you stay
Baby fly away

Autumn leaves fell into spring time and
SIlver-painted hair
Daddy called one evening saying
"We need you. Please come back"
When I saw her laying in her bed
Fragile as a child
Pale just like an angel taking flight
I held her as I cried

You can fly so high
Keep your gaze upon the sky
I'll be prayin every step along the way
Even though it breaks my heart to know we'll be so far apart
I love you too much to make you stay
Baby fly away

i know you can fly so high as well!

Thursday, January 27, 2005

Forever Friends~!

So nice and happy to chat with Flora and Kin tonite~!! We become much closer tonite!! I like this kind of true friend relationship!! ^^ I will take you guys' advice! Thx and love you two so much! ^^

Monday, January 24, 2005

Same Side of the Moon

I'm looking out the window
Where we sat to watch the stars
There's a chill within the air
It makes my heart long for your touch
You may be miles away
But as I kneel to pray
I see the same side of the moon
That we'll be looking on when the world turns blue
And know that time and space can't come between me and you
We share the same side of the moon
And though you'll never see all the tears shine through
I know I can't be that far from you
If we're both looking on the same side of the moon
I picture you across the ocean
In your corner of the world
I pray the wind will blow my voice
And gently whisper in your ear
Your night may be my day
And though the seasons change
It's still the same side of the moon
That we'll be looking on when the world turns blue
And know that time and space can't come between me and you
We share the same side of the moon
And though you'll never see all the tears shine through
I know I can't be that far from you
If we're both looking on the same side of the moon
I know I can't be that far from you
If we're both looking on the same side of the moon
The last nite to be a weak heroine.

Sunday, January 23, 2005

"The Terminal"

Watched "The Terminal" today. This is a good and touching film. I love it very much.
Actually, I know I have a personal feeling to airport terminal. Most of the time when I watch film with airport terminal scenario, I will feel upset and my tear come out spontaneously. Today I have the same feeling when I was watching this movie. I thought I was recovered before but actually not yet. ahh

Have a nice chat with Flora tonite as well~ ^^

Saturday, January 22, 2005

Annal Dinner

wakakakk...... 今晚annual din 都幾lucky喎~ 有$1000大元現金獎同$500大元SWAVORSKI coupon~!! 等我貢下SWAVORSKI 有咩靚野先!!!hehehe^^不過都唔夠joey lucky 有$5500大元現金獎!!! Very Lucky~~!! ^^

o係好彩食完晚飯之後大隊去咗灣仔一間叫"秦"既bar & karaok 飲野唱k~~ roy 比 yvonne 叫o個jar island mock 搞到wing咗好頭痛, 仲不停同問我地點解我地3個冇事既......佢個苦樣真係勁搞笑!!!之後下半part我地3個就同新識既funds 同事oscar傾計~!! 佢真係超talkative好搞笑!癲咗一晚之後把聲"拆"咗....... xp

兩點幾返到屋企沖走成身臭味之後同flora傾電話傾到差唔多成5點鐘~! so good!! 好耐都冇試過5點先去訓喇~

今晚玩得超開心~!! 下次一定要同yvonne, joey佢地自己去唱k!!!

Friday, January 21, 2005

Happy birthday to KIN~!!

Happy birthday to u lei~~ One year older lar!!! Wish you all the best!!! esp. be healthier and get good academic result this year!! Wish you will be happy with that ppl ^^ I am waiting for you to tell me who is "that one" orrr!!! hohohoho XP

Tonite hotpot was very good. Cissy's cusine is so funny. The funniest question is "係鬼上身定身上鬼呀?" and we explained "靜心" to him~~hahahha......laugh to die!!! After that, we headed to Cultural Centre seashore with a cup of delicious New Zealand ice cream!! SO GOOD~ but so COLD as wellllll ^++++^

Tuesday, January 18, 2005

Million Walk

First time participated in the Million Walk of the Community Chest yestrerday. There were
totally 13 colleauges joined the Million Walk including our boss Barry. The route is from Hong Kong Stadium to Aberdeen Reservior. My collegues said I should start from Aberdeen to HK Stadium..... No need to go back and forth!! XP We spent about 2.5 hrs to finish the Walk which was faster the expected time. Actually we were not walking but jogging in the remaining 1/4 route..... coz we wanna finish the Walk as soon as possible although cannus, jessica and I were very tired *_*

After the Walk, Jaye, james, jessica and I had lunch in CB. It's the first time I get to know translation colleagues james and Jaye. They are quite talkative and funny ^^

Due to the lack of excerise, my legs feel sour today but not a serious one which is out of my expectation!! ^^

Millions years haven't dinned in 元神~! the food is quite good laaaa...esp the 芒果軟殼蟹手卷!! EXTREMELY TASTY!!! *.* MUST EAT ITEM!!!

Friday, January 14, 2005


Had hot-pot dinner with Innovation colleauges tonite, including Joey, Yvonne, Edfie, Sarah and Roy. Right after that we went to have desert in Hui Lau Shan.....wa....extremely full !! Today most of us had five meals.... breakfast,lunch, afternoon tea, dinner and desert!! so dins......!!
Everytime when i say my home province is 順德, everyone must say that's why i am so 順得人... =_=".... what can i say?? hehehe....

chat on phone with kin after back home, giving him opinions on choosing courses. he said he want someone to agree with him but no one is avavilable law!! ai..... so sad to hear that >___<" hahaha.... just kidding~ xp

Thursday, January 13, 2005

全日食?? 日全食??

Had a great dinner with JM, Rosary, Lox, Urania, Feli tonite in 全日食, but I said 日全食 to Zoe.... so LOW B.... hahahaa ^&^ The food there is quite okay, but not speical. JM and Lox are still so funny making the dinner with a happy atmosphere. JM and Rosary is in their 28th months.... time flies like an arrow lei~~

Tuesday, January 11, 2005

Lucky Angie!!

呵呵呵呵......今日angie超lucky 喎~
之後我同佢行行下東角站又去扭蛋蛋碰o下運氣睇下扭唔扭到巴斯光年..... 點知..... 扭到隻驢仔噃~ 不過阿昇都冇呢隻... 我同佢都話都幾好吖冇重覆..... 之後angie 決定扭埋最後一次..... 吒次o係由佢扭我伸手入去拎.... 我地一見到係巴斯光年, 兩個不約而同興奮到大叫咗出黎.... 連個cashier 都望住我地笑.....哈哈哈! 個場面勁搞笑!!^.^"

angie一晚扭咗4次蛋蛋, 4次都唔同公仔冇重覆, 仲幫阿昇集齊一套添~ 幸運程度的確係無人可及!!! 佢之後仲猛咁話聽日要去買六合彩添!! (我唔係驚你唔中,係驚你唔記得買o者~!!.... 你"咁有"記性喎.....hehehe xp)

Monday, January 10, 2005

爆笑lunch ^+++^

今日約咗lox 同zoe一齊o係太子冰室食lunch, 食咗個幾鐘就笑足個幾鐘~ lox 同zoe一唱一和實在太搞笑 ^+++^ 點樣先可以學到lox咁高境界??一路講笑自己可以唔笑!!勁!!
原來我地三個同之前既朋友仔分開咗之後都習慣咗一個人行街, 仲幾enjoy呢種自由自在既感覺添~ 或者呢個就係單身人士既象徵啦!! ^^ Wish three of us will find our Mr/Ms. Right soon~

之後join bibi 同妹妹行葵芳, 又買野添~~hehehe....
夜晚去咗伙伙屋企食飯!! 好豐富好多餸呀!! 好味~ 嘻嘻!!

Forgot to thank bibi's honey yesterday! I will eat it everyday!! Thx!! ^3^

A Nice Sunday!^^

Sunday, January 09, 2005


woohoo~今日好滿足呀~ lunch食咗元氣啦~買咗本Da Vinci Code啦~o係izzue買咗件衫~晚餐仲食埋意粉屋添~~ yeahyeah!! 味美味美!!非常滿足!!美中不足o係朝早要返工司開會~....今朝真係勁唔想起身!~ 個會又唔係好關我事....都唔知點解要我返埋去~~@_@

好鍾意搭船仔過海~~ 香港兩岸夜景加埋d聖誕燈飾真係好好好靚呀!! Love it so much!! ^^

Friday, January 07, 2005


Thx for Cha Siu Bao's sms, it's so sweet n touching!~ thx!! ^^

I got three votes for '你想表達 理想表達"~ hohoooo" but actually, i don't think it is related to the ad..... >__<"


Thursday, January 06, 2005


今晚同sarah & roy去咗中華總商會會員俱樂部參加北大同學會迎新晚宴,去既目的都係去識o下北大同學會d會長同理事派o下同收o下卡片......今次同上次一樣o係到陪笑~~比人當小朋友.... ^_^" 今次又係同兩位男士一齊坐~!佢地成晚不停輪流幫我拎野食~~好嘆!! 好似食緊殘廢餐咁~! xp 原來德昌電機真係大得咁交關!! 間廠有16楝大廈入面仲有大學添!! 成個小型社區咁!! 真係好勁!!雖然成晚都冇咩點出聲,不過聽o下d同學交流都見識咗好多,都唔算好悶既~!

Wednesday, January 05, 2005





Sunday, January 02, 2005

Retrospect of 2004

2004 passed in the twinking of an eye......2004 was an unforgetable year for me coz I had tried and experienced a lot. I really want to write all the memroies down and share with all my dearest friends.

The completion of Wholala Music Festival during Janauary to March gave me an invaluable chance to explore the indie music scene. I was so pround to work with those talented musicians. Let me thank them one by one......
Musicians of Wholala, thx for them giving us the chance to cooperate with them in organizing the festival. Although there were many argues, complaints, misunderstandings and dissatifisations in the process of doing the festival, I really learnt a lot from all of these "negative issues". Communicate more, be active, do not take everything for granted and many more were learnt from this project.
Thx Tommy of 48th Street Chicago Blues for giving us the chance to perform in your bar. Your bar is definitely a good platform for musicians to show their talents.
Thx Raymond of FARM for giving us the platform in FARM and that "misunderstanding".
Trillion Thanks to Our Supervisor, Stephen Richards being our "third group mate", without his fully support, our project wouldn't have been so successful and shortlisted to the final round of the competition of year award.
Last but not least, many thx to Zoe for working with me during the whole year, I wouldn't forget the hard and happy times we had in year 2. Thanks all of my friends who gave me support in the project and presentations. Thanks Pauline and Rick of their affirmation.

My love relationship with Lut.
Thanks, Lut for giving me your love, care and support. I really enjoyed the time we were together. You made my summer holdiay difference. I will treasure all the happy times we had.

Thailand Trip with my best fds......
Wonderful Thailand trip with Angie, Adrian, Thomas, Maggie and Tam like. It's the first time we travelled together!! Met Sor Keung, maymay, gipgip and doris.... they are all playful and funny.

My sister's head surgery
Thanks all of my dearest fds for supporting me when my sisiter was in hositpal. I wouldn't forget all the msg u guys said and sent to me, all of them made me so warm and touched.

um........ acutally, didn't want to graduate so early, really want to play with my epc's fds 2 yrs more. anyway, nice congregation and graduation photo taking with my mom, best fds and cityu fds.

Start my working journey
My first full time job works as event management officer. Since my first day there, i have participated in organizing gathering dinner, Tianjin Visits, luncheon presentation, China Study Course and MTR Corporate Training. Have learnt and experienced many many range from communication, team work, logisitics, writing styles to design through working with my colleagues.

Plan for 2005
※Concentrate on my work, learn more and widen my horizon
※Tresaure everything i am having
※Continue on writing my diary
※A brand new Me

Gal talk

Met Larry and his girlfriend today when i was travelling to MK. Haven't seen him for more than a year!! He didn't change much, still so talkative~!! We exchanged our present status and secondary classmates's status`!~ so nice to see and talk to him~ Just like back to secondary school time~! so miss that time!!

SO NICE to go out with Zoe today~~ we talked so many today!!! Dun feel that your viewpoint is selfish!! It's just the real situation. If i were you, i must think it in that way as well!!! You really become more mature last year. Add oil!!! You must get what you want in future!! You can do it!! Believe yourself~!