Wednesday, March 30, 2005






Monday, March 28, 2005

復活holiday之DAY 4

Actually I wanted to buy a present to Sierra coz last Saturday was her birthday, but I really had no idea of choosing the present when I was wandering in CB..... Finally, I bought nothing for her!! Just had a big Set Tea with my Sister XDDD........dim Suen ho ar?? tmr?? How can i face to her??? XPPP

復活holiday之DAY 3

Watched Fullmetal Alchemist for the whole afternoon after having lunch in tea house!! Really get addicted to it~~ ^_^ One more movie " Monster Inc." at night~ AH Boo is so lovely!! ^.^

復活holiday之DAY 2

hehehe.... FLOra, Ms KIN Hui, Aida, Can dance and Low B Queen Zoe and I had bbq in SheK O~~ wowowo~ It was so enjoyable and wonderful~!! Really really a happy nite with lots of laughters!!! I enjoy it very much!! Thx for zoe attending the bbq as I know you are quite busy at the moment!! ^__^

You need to take care ar..... FLoRa~!!
Remember to stay healthy and keep with a good voice~!!
Your competition is coming soon!! I know you can make it!!! WORK HArd!!!!

Saturday, March 26, 2005

復活holiday之DAY 1

今朝11點幾簡直唔想起身食lunch, 不過兩點約咗馬醫師覆診又唔好意思遲到........唯有起身啦~!!實在太眼瞓所以去到馬醫師到都冇同佢o爹過....佢叫我食少d煎炸唔好同佢作對~~ 我咁聽話當然笑笑口咁應承佢啦~~ 不過.......我聽日去bbq 噃~~ 嘻嘻嘻!! 衰女包!!! =___='
Z__Z <---- 所以睇完中醫之後街都唔行就返屋企hea吓~~ 雖然係zZZ, 但係返到屋企都繼續追鋼之練金術師.....然後先去sleep幾粒鐘~!!食完飯又睇電視~~ 成日都做過d咩!!爽呀~!! 哈哈!!!!!!!!!!!

期待澳門之旅~!! 有5日annual 要放~~ 真係開心死!!! p^。^q

Thursday, March 24, 2005

Happy Birthday to Sarah~!!

Happy Birthday to Sarah~!!
We sang Karaoke and had buffet at CEO Neway tonite~!!
Um..... not a boring gathering, at least Yvonne was there ~
Actually, we two sang for the whole nite!

There is an 8.9 level earthquake in Apprasial Dept... All of its senior staff resigned one by one since the begining of 2005..... so horrible!!! How would you react when your head said" I can't survive without you? Please don't resign!! I need you!! Could you please help me??" and talked with you for about an hour in conference room to persude you to stay?....... But $12,000 difference is extremely attractive!!!

Thursday, March 17, 2005

meaning of life

Copied from FLoRa's OD:

A definition of the meaning of life:
"The meaning of life cannot be told; it has to happen to a person" --- Ira Progoff

A formula for the good life:
"Living in the Place you belong,
With the People you love,
Doing the Right Work,
On Purpose" --- R.J. Leider and D.A. Shapiro

When will my good life be??

Tuesday, March 15, 2005

MSN Writing Pad

So FUNNY arrr.... MSN Writing Pad~~ LOVE it so Muuccchhhh~!
Played it with Ada and kin first time tonite
I Like Ms Hui 8舊腹肌~~ so cool~~ which can make all the gals DIE~!!wahahaha......
ai.......kin!! you are so yellow larr~!! how come u are so bad now??? =]

Monday, March 14, 2005

7A Upstair Cafe' Gathering~!

嘻嘻嘻........ 好開心呀今晚見番d 7A 同學仔~~!! 大家有年幾冇見喇~!! 經過5個鐘頭既"長談"~ 睇黎大家既近況都唔錯~!! 最唔錯好似係阿潛咁噃~~哈哈哈 ^&^
仲有多謝大家既讚美啦~ 不過呢次上樓cafe gathering搞手其實係adrian, 我只係幫兇架咋~!!!
大家唔好淨係讚我漏咗adrian份.........一陣佢嬲嬲地下次唔幫手, 咁我點算呀????
所以呢~ 都係o係咁高度讚揚我地今次既搞手" ADRIAN~!!!" 啦~~ hehehe ^&^
唔好白費我地心機!!!! ^.^
下一次想搞咩gathering 呀????

去gathering 之前去咗farm 睇師妹個function.........
今年搞到wholala係搞手..... epc 學生變咗student helpers咁.....
anyway, 希望佢地個fyp 搞得成功啦~!

Saturday, March 12, 2005

我好番喇~ ^.^~ candace 同 kin 都要快d 好番呀~!! 我地仲要一齊去搵好野食架~!!


Friday, March 11, 2005

Lazy me!

Take sick leave again~ actually, I just feel a little bit unwell today but I still take sick leave today........coz really dun want to go to work~!! SO Lazy~~ hehehee.......
Adrian and I finally booked Club 1516 for Sunday's 7A gathering!! Longing for Sunday~!! We have more than a year didn't hold any 7A gathering!!

Wanna have other food beside congee, bread and biscuts........ @_@

Thursday, March 10, 2005

sick leave

原來真係o個晚buffet d野唔乾淨~~ 今朝一早起身就不停打"司嗌"同作嘔,下晝瞓醒就發燒同成身軟 nai nai.......阿媽話我一定係感親, 但係我呢幾日返工都着夠衫架喎, 無理由凍親~!!去睇醫生, 醫生話我腸胃炎.....仲話食咗生冷野可以隔幾日先發出黎~!! shit!!!!! 勁辛苦!! 睇完醫生食咗粥同藥之後大昏迷~!! @_@
原來kin 同candance 今日都腸胃炎肚仔痛同嘔.....shit~!! Wishing three of us recover soon!!!
一定要將呢間酒店列入黑名單!!!! 過份!!!

Wednesday, March 09, 2005


Flora always encourages me saying out my feelings
Be active and fight for what I want
But I don't want to change your mind,
I can foresee the result would remain unchange
even though I say out my feelings
we don't have the fate to be together

The LAST time to put on our necklace...

upstair cafes' nite

Tonite I searched out those upstair cafes in CB with Adrian for weekend 7A's gathering. The one I like most is the one with baconly. The decoration and atmosphere there are quite good~ But the food supply seems not enough for all of us..... need to bargain with them later....^.^

Event Reminder of my mobile rang at 11:59pm. One year has past already.....

Tuesday, March 08, 2005


唔知尋晚食錯野定o係係維園玩d地方污糟呢~ 尋晚發覺對腳紅咗一大撻, 腫腫地, 沖涼o個陣仲"乸乸"地添~!!應該係皮膚敏感~!! 點先可以確定係食錯野定坐過d污糟地方呢??? @__@

Monday, March 07, 2005

Happy birthday to ADA~!!

HaPPy BiRThDaY to ADA!!! ^.^
WISHING you all the BEST and Be Happy All the times!!
Hope you like our presents!!

We had a happy time tonite.~!! We first dinned in Novotel Century Hotel to enjoy our delicious buffet!! We ate so much sashimi and sushi.... hehehee!! so tasty!! Then, we played in Victoria Park same as last year. We rode in a swing seperately, played around in the playground and stone pool~!! I ran faster than Hui KA KIN!!!hohoho.... ^.^ALL of us Are Kidults!! =]

Sunday, March 06, 2005

Mr. Ma gave me an dady's feel today when I told him i missed to take medicine for 3 times...... and he said " how come???"
He told me to drink one immediately after the consultation today in order to aviod me missing to take medicine again!! =p
He picked out a cup and make the medicine for me! Looking at me until I finished the whole cup of medicine!!! Even my dad won't do that!!! hahaha....... He is so caring!!! =]

Million years haven't gone to sing K larrr..... so happy tonite!! ^.^

Saturday, March 05, 2005


There are special prices for some dishes in CB Fat Angelo only~~!! Those dishes are really resonsable!!! Just paid 2 hundreds sth for two~!! woowow~!! 6 dishes and 2 of them are free with two drinks~!! Really resonable, isn't it??? AND more importantly, they are all delicious!! ^.^ SO Full until this moment!!

Watched "Hitch" tonite after dinner~!! It's a fantastic moive~!! I was laughing.... laughing ....and laughing for two hrs!!! nearly laugh to die during the dancing part at the end of the movie~!! ^0^..... so low b lei!! hahaha

Mr. right is the one who makes you feel miserable??

Wednesday, March 02, 2005

Pro TM~~~~~ SHIT!!

I am a Pro Telemarketer?? Oh.... I dun want to be like that!! Shit shit shit~!!

In good mood tonite..... yeah!!! ^.^

Tuesday, March 01, 2005

Powerful Lady??? hahaha........Can't imagine!!! ^8^