Saturday, April 30, 2005

New deadline

但放完兩日假今日精神真係另舍不同~!! ^^
不過........同sarah, vincent & beatrice 開完會個人即刻灰咗!!
5月1 日deadline 完左~
今日又有份newsletter 4號deadline~
嘩!! 真係做死人咩~!! #___#"
原來TDC 有個咁正既liba架~!! 真係唔去過都唔知呢~!!

Thx for Kin's concerning tonite lar~ you are so considerate lei~
really feeling warm lei, brother!!

Pray for Candace's grandma~!!
Wishing she will be good and happy in heaven.
Candace, you take care as well~
We all are 24-hr on call la!!

Thursday, April 28, 2005


How pity are WE!!!
We work until 12am in office yesterday and.......
still need to bring the unfinished stuff back home and work until 4 am again!!!
I had my breakfast, lunch and dinner in office~!! Damn it!!

Luckily, I am having two dayoff to get enough sleep.....
Otherwise, i think i gonna be DINSSSS!!
But i need to waste my precious holiday at home today to get enough rest lei.........
SO CHarm lei~!!

Btw, I think Yvonne and I are so GING lar~~
Neither she nor me have ever used Freehand before
but we can manage it to produce the IPO Guide~!! REALLY GING!!
I need to learn how to use SPSS later lei.....
hope that i can manage it as well la

Tuesday, April 26, 2005

灰死......咗 =x="

睏死了也要玩旋轉泡泡球........哈哈哈!! ^.^

Saturday, April 23, 2005


Feeling so tired after work, not physically but mentally.....
so, dinned out with Yvonne to relax a bit....
Working Sat and Sunday as well.......
OH...impossible deadline 1/5!!!SHIT!!
Hope that I can use Freehand suceefully tmr!!!!
THX for Kit and Brooke's help!! Sorry to bother you two when you are struggling with the assignments!! >__<"

Friday, April 22, 2005

Wednesday, April 20, 2005


一對新人整晚洋溢著幸福的笑容........很sweet 呢~~

*Love Paradise*

You're always on my mind  
All day just all the time  
You're everything to me  
Brightest star to let me see  
You touch me in my dreams  
We kiss in every scene  
I pray to be with you  
through rain and shiny days
I'll love you Till I die  
Deep as sea Wide as sky  
The beauty of our love paints rainbows  
Everywhere we go  
Need you all my life  
You're my hope You're my pride  
In your arms I find my heaven  
In your eyes my sea and sky  
May life be our love paradise

*你的名字 我的姓氏*

曾經說過 尋覓愛情
而我跟你 平靜旅程
只需要 當天邊海角競賽追逐時
可跟你 安躺於家裡便覺最寫意
只需要 最迴腸盪氣之時
可用你的名字 和我姓氏 成就這故事
從此以後 無憂無求
故事平淡但當中有你 已經足夠
如果要說 何謂愛情
和你走過 無盡旅情
不相信 當天荒不再地老不合時
竟跟你 多相擁一次便愛多一次
只相信 最迴腸盪氣之時
可用你的名字 和我姓氏 成就這故事
快樂同樣像你我一對 已經足夠

Feeling so sweet to hear those songs tonite
and I think of you for the whole night as well
Really miss you so much

Saturday, April 16, 2005


Nearly thirty people having barbecue in my aunt's home tonite~~
SO crowded~!! but feeling warm and happy lei~~
I couldn't remember how long we haven't held such a big barbecue!! ^.^
I enjoyed it very much!!
The sea view faces to Aberdeen is really extordinary and comfortable!!
SO relaxing!! ^^

Friday, April 15, 2005

SZ event

Travelled to Shenzhen with Ho & Ho's Van to attend IMAA's event this afternoon.
One word to say "RUBBLISH!!"
I couldn't imagine this "important" event could be held like that!!
Maybe it's the differece between Hong Kong and Shenzhen working styles.
If I were Babara and Charles, I must be angry and disappointed with his partner's arrangement!!!
anyway, it's not our event I shouldn't comment on it....
After bringing back Babara and Charles to Park Lane Hotel, four of us dinned in Spaghetti House to enjoy our late dinner~!! Yummy! ^.^
btw, It was an unforgettable experience of travelling Shenzhen with my suit and two foreginers. It seems that all the eyes are looking at us....... quite scary lei~~*.*


Replied Stephen's email after a month.......>___<"
How LAZY am I??

I was so surprised what did Sierra told me on phone tonite. I should be aware of .......

Tmr afternoon need to travel SZ to attend the seminar held by IMAA and BVI.....
Hoping it won't be too bored..... *.*

Thursday, April 14, 2005


嘿~同阿雄contact 咁成7個幾月, 今日先第一次見佢真人咋~
嘩!!佢真人.......完全唔係我諗o個type 呀~!!
搞到我都唔係好敢面對面同佢講野添.......wahaha XDD

今日傳說中既白馬王子benny lam上咗黎office
.....嘿嘿嘿 =_=" 唔係掛~ 白馬王子??
"係陳年古惑仔"鄭伊健", Yvonne said....

Wednesday, April 13, 2005


Doing nth at night, just sit in front of the computer fooling around and listening to music.......
Dun wanna talk and think.....
ALL the stuff make me feel bothered!

Tuesday, April 12, 2005


aiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii........ 慘無人道~!!!
下星期六要我地dept開始返shift....~!! shitshitshit!!!
都已經請多個人架喇~ 仲要無黎啦更要返星期六!!!
就算有得補錢 or補假都係咁話~!!
返5days係呢份工唯一既好處黎架嘛!! 好傷心!! >__<"
今日開始又要踩番入IMAA到.......不過做d admin 野o者~ 工作量都唔係好大~!!
我完全冇諗過sarah 會話我做野細心囉....... 我成日係佢面前都好大頭蝦架喎........ @_@
真係要的起心肝去search 下先!!!
btw, 好大原因係因為我真係好憎d中國研修班!! 勁憎!!
轉工!! 轉工!! 轉工!!

Friday, April 08, 2005

藉著雨點說愛你--Be with you

今晚去咗睇 "藉著雨點說愛你"~~
好好睇好感動~又睇到流眼淚喇~~ 嘻嘻 ^.^
雖然成套戲無乜高潮位, 但係我好鍾意個故仔~!! 慘慘地, 但係又好sweet好窩心喎~!!
個小朋友又得意喎~!!勁鍾意~!! ^_^
而且最後個結局仲幾 surprise....

雖然開心既時間咁短暫, 但係找到自己一生既幸福
英年離去亦無憾 ^.^

Wednesday, April 06, 2005

bigbig's bday@KAMADO

We dined out in KAMADO to celebrate Bigbig's birthday tonite!~ It's the first time to all of us to dine in KAMADO..... um... the environment is quite good~! There are seperate tables for private dinner~!! our table number is 一條四........ an interesting coding....right? For the food... the quality is okay as well~~ but actually, I like WATAMI more..... ^.^

After the dinner, we went to have our dessert in HAAGEN-DEZS.........wakaka ^O^.....chocolate hotpot!!! SO tasty!!! There are 16 ice cream balls, friuts and cakes with chocolate and strawberry sauce!!! So delicious!!! ^&^

Tuesday, April 05, 2005

A Beautiful Mind

Happy Birthday to Bigbig~~
Wishing you will finish your assignments very soon!!
Very hArd!! You must get good results finally!!

Just watched "A Beautiful Mind"!! It's really a touching film..... There is no formula can define Love!! It's undefinable!! How lucky is John Nash who can has a wife always walks beside him and support him, never leave him alone even though he is suffering from schizophrenia. The most touching scene is when his wife tells him how to feel what is real!! really really touching!!! My tears came out spontaneously....... XP

as touching as ......

Forever Love 王力宏

愛你 不是因為你的美而已
我越來越愛你 每個眼神觸動我的心
未來這些日子 要好好珍惜

愛我 有些痛楚 有些不公平
如果真的愛我 不是理所當然的決定
感到妳的呼吸在我耳邊 像微風神奇
溫柔的安撫 我的不安定

所以我~要 每天研究你的笑容 ooh 多麼自然
forever love forever love
從今以後 你會是所有 幸福的理由

沿途雨季泥濘 偶爾阻礙我們的前進
感到妳的體溫在我懷裡 像陽光和煦
巧妙的融化 我的不安定
不可思議 證明我愛你的理由 ooh 多麼自然

forever love forever love

從今以後 妳會是所有 幸福的理由
妳感動的眼睛 我沉默的聲音
就讓我在說一次 I love you oh (直到永遠)

forever love forever love

從今以後 妳會是所有 幸福的理由
Forever love forever love forever love