Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Monday, October 29, 2007


其實很簡單 其實很自然 兩個人的愛由兩人分擔其實並不難 
是你太悲觀 隔著一道牆不跟誰分享
不想讓你為難 你不再需要給我個答案

我想你是愛我的 我猜你也捨不得 
但是怎麼說 總覺得 我們之間留了太多空白格 
也許你不是我的 愛你卻又該割捨 
分開或許是選擇 但它也可能是我們的緣份

Probation appraisal

I had my late probation appraisal today~ overall speaking, my boss is satisified w/ my performance, I got 67 marks out 100~ so far so good la i think! he said I could take up the jobs fast~ and he praised me that I am detail-minded and calm, reminding me to keep these strengths..... Angie said my boss think so maybe due to my little facial expressions.... hahaa.... maybe wor..... 淡淡定有錢剩嘛~~!!my boss is being cheated by me~~~wakakaa ^xxx^!!!
From now on, I am going to work w/ a constant AM instead of under my boss and assisting all of the AMs as usual.... I don't know it is good or not~~ Can't change this arrangement actually~~ Let's see how it would be la~
Looking forward to my raise~~ hoho~~~HAPPY!!!^+++^

long weekend~

My long weekend has passed already!!!
So enjoy and happy during these 3 days!!! really no working stuff around me!! I could fully enjoy my holiday!!!
Friday- enjoy my family tea hse lunch w/ little lolo~~ she is really really lovely!!!! after the lunch, i played w/ her in the nearby playground, children's slide, horse and lots of running~~ So tired to hold her in the my arms lei.... she is quite heavy indeed~ heeh.... after that, had lunch w/ toby and sister~~ FAMILY Friday nite arrr...
Sat- did shopping w/ Angie in the afternoon then bbq w/ my best fds in Deep water baY at nite!!!! Long time no see ar, all my dearest!! Miss you all!!! ^3^
Sunday- lazy Sunday .... woke up late..... planned to watch VCD at home but too tired ... slept for the whole afternoon finally ~~hehe.... BUT FEEL COOL~ !!!

Wednesday, October 24, 2007

Emil Herker 's Grid Art

Copied from apple daily:

■ 9 張 來 自 不 同 國 家 的 孩 子 笑 臉 , 《 9 Lifes 》 寄 語 環 保 行 動 要 傳 至 全 球 。

■ 《 Bubbles of the Future 》 借 孩 子 帶 出 藍 天 綠 蔭 下 茁 壯 成 長 的 希 望 。

■ Emil 熱 愛 香 港 , 借 《 In Time 》 提 醒 繁 華 城 市 在 沙 漏 下 快 被 污 染 淹 沒 。

■ 《 The Coin and the Planet 》 暗 諷 地 球 靠 金 錢 轉 動 , 金 錢 卻 耗 地 球 資 源 !

Monday, October 22, 2007


可惜身旁的是mr. hui kin~~
唉....浪費了~~~~~~ xp

Sunday, October 21, 2007

Emax Halloween- Haunted Max

have been disappeared for a week working for the Haunted Max~
Here are parts of our great work!! ( but can't post inner parts here la)
I felt scare though I knew the construction parts~ hehee....

Sunday, October 14, 2007


做designer 真係好~~ 可以有designer脾氣~
可以比說話你聽~ d 野可以話唔改就唔改~
一句話"咁咪要重頭做過!!"..... 就可以唔理唔改~
真係好唔鍾意夾freelance designer~ 好辛苦好難夾!!!!

Sunday, October 07, 2007

My FIRST Violet High Heels

Supersupersuper LOVE IT!!!
Thanks for Michele Reis designing it!!!!
I bought it immediately when I first saw it..... no thinking!! haha~~

Many colleagues praised my high heels are very nice arr today~~!!! hohoho~~

Monday, October 01, 2007

很感人的一首歌~ Touch my heart!!


我不會怪你 對我的偽裝

小小的手掌 厚厚的溫暖

妳是我的專屬天使 為我能獨佔 

擁有一個專屬天使 我哪裡還需要別的願望

小小的手掌 大大的力量
妳想去的地方 就是我的方向

要不是妳出現 我一定還在沉睡
絕望的以為 生命只有黑夜

OP Halloween Preview@ 27Sep

第二次去op halloween preview 喇!!
上年因為o係北京skip 左一年
今年可以再次去op halloween preview真係要多謝yvonne!!!
今次同埋yvonne 30位同事一齊玩,d男同事入到鬼屋扮埋鬼嚇番我地轉頭~超搞笑!!!玩得超盡慶!!! 7間鬼屋全部玩哂!!! 我仲唔理恐唔恐怖全程都狂足住yvonne~~
一有"鬼"走埋黎就尖叫~~ yvonne 比我同jackie左右既尖叫聲夾攻,耳膜一定好難受!!!哈哈哈!!!!
我地成班人好低b 地....玩完3間鬼屋先知我地條粉紅色手帶o係fast pass 唔洗排隊~~~ All are low b guys!!! hehee....
今次玩過山車既時候突然間覺得條軌好短好快玩完....點解呢??都係一年多冇玩o者, 感覺差咁遠既???
thanks for yvonne inviting me to go!!!
前幾晚去disneyland 既halloween 入唔到鬼屋