Monday, July 30, 2007

bday dinner @ Sai Kung

Tonite my colleagues and I dinned in PEPPERONIS PIZZA at Sai Kung.
wow~ the Greek Salad, Ribs, Photato Skins and Pizza are all great!!! DELICIOUS!!!
I can feel that I am getting fat these days~~hehe....always dining out and ate so much~~!!!
I need to eat less during weekdays in order to have big meals again during weekend~~~ !!!!
Thanks for the bday gift!~~~ It's very nice!!! thanks!!

My second Swarovski's accessory.....
The first one which is the necklace had been broken.... becoz of my careless.... >____<"

Sunday, July 29, 2007

Family day

My father called fr PRC and booked me last night to have dinner with family memebers to celebrate my Chinese bday tonite.
It seems it has been a long time I haven't celebrate my bday with my dad coz he always not in HK.
It was a great time to have dine out with them!! nice family day!!
I really treasure it!!THANKS!!

Monday, July 23, 2007


不是母親大人今天給我利是也不知道呢~~~~ 嘻嘻~~~
對我而言,農曆西曆也好,也是我的生日呢~~~ 一樣都要過得開心!!!嘻嘻~
這些東西急不來的....不用替我擔心!! (更不要再囉唆我 XPPPP)

Saturday, July 21, 2007

累人的emax 終於完成了。。。。

足足忙了兩個多星期, 被emax困住了兩個星期呀!!!!!放監喇~!!!!!yeah!!!
經過這兩個幾星期的洗禮, 我已把emax 的ground floor走得很熟了
由shop 11到46的位置及emax floorplan的形狀我也已經牢牢地---->記在我的腦海裡~
甚至連那個電錶供電到那間shop也略略知道 ..... 超厲害呀....我!!!
有些行行企企的人看見我每天在groundfloor走來走去, 還拿着一大串鑰匙以為我是emax的人~~~ 又難怪被人誤會....外人又怎會拿着商場每間shop 的鑰匙呢~~ 只怪client太信任我們了~hehee
雖然我非emax人, 但每當有陌生人問我有關emax的問題我都會儘力解答~
也因此認識了LIZA的advertising manager,他也是超nice的人沒架子的~
每次路過也主動和我say hi~
還記得他入場那天替自己clients 擺貨的時候我幫他解決了一些小問題, 之後他主動給了我他的名片以便聯絡。
我見他不是我的direct client, 日後再有問題也應找emax不是找我,所以我有轉交了他的名片給emax
之後再遇見他的時候我為他解答了另一些問題, 當他知道我沒有keep他的名片後即時淘氣的說:"哦!! 你唔要我既卡片~" 我沒想到一個(我估計)30歲左右的男阿ger會這樣說~~很搞笑!!
經過這一次,我以後也不會亂丟別人的名片了~~~ xp
第一次因走路太多使腳掌發脹到有迫爆converse的感覺~~ 雙腿真的累透了~
雖然累透了第二天還是去了廸廸尼..... 經過猛烈陽光的洗禮及走了一整天
第三天放假完全昏迷了,倒頭大睡了一整天~~~ 超爽~~!!!!!!! XDDDD

Monday, July 02, 2007

Busy week

I am busying with the EMAX project this week. I nearly non-stop working for the whole week even in the holiday. I went to MK and EMAX many times this week, it seems that I belong to MK already and EMAX becomes my office..... =___="
I think I gonna visit EMAX very often in the coming two weeks as we gonna move-in tmr until mid of July~
Though I am quite busy now, I enjoy it in a certain extend coz I don't have to date during holidays....
there is too much time for me ... too boring arh a_a

Watched Hooked on You last nitee. The film is better than I expected! Miriam and Eason are good partners indeed, their acting is very natural and realistic.
There are different meanings on "MISS".
MISS- When you got something you want for the whole life, you gotta lose/miss sth in equally importance. Is it worth to exchange it?? Only you know it.....